Commit 105fce89 authored by Mahmoud Zalt's avatar Mahmoud Zalt

simlify and reduce the usage steps

parent 0973aaf1
......@@ -24,8 +24,9 @@ It's like Laravel Homestead but for Docker instead of Vagrant.
- [List current running Containers](#List-current-running-Containers)
- [Close all running Containers](#Close-all-running-Containers)
- [Delete all existing Containers](#Delete-all-existing-Containers)
- [Change the PHP Version](#Change-the-PHP-Version)
- [Use Redis in Laravel](#Use-Redis-in-Laravel)
- [Use custom Domain](Use-custom-Domain)
- [Change the PHP Version](#Change-the-PHP-Version)
- [Add/Remove a Docker Container](#AddRemove-a-Docker-Container)
- [Add Docker Images](#Add-Docker-Images)
- [Edit a Docker Container](#Edit-a-Docker-Container)
......@@ -91,64 +92,71 @@ The Images links on [Docker Hub](
1 - Install any version of Laravel, or use any of your existing Laravel projects.
2 - Clone the LaraDock repository, inside a `docker` folder, on the root directory of your Laravel project.
2 - Clone the LaraDock repository, inside a `docker` folder, on the root directory of your Laravel project:
git clone docker
3 - Find your Docker IP address.
3 - Run a Docker Virtual host on your machine, if you haven't already:
- If you are on Linux OS: your IP Address is `` because the containers run directly on your localhost.
- If you are on MAC or Windows and using the **docker-machine**: start your docker machine then type `docker-machine ip {vm-name-here}`. *(The default IP is*
- If you are on MAC or Windows and using **boot2docker**: type `boot2docker ip` when boot2docker is up.
- **On Windows & MAC:** run `docker-machine start default`
4 - Open your hosts file `/etc/hosts`.
>If the host "default" does not exist, create it using:
>`docker-machine create -d virtualbox default`
sudo nano /etc/hosts
- **On Linux:** skip this step :) you don't need a virtual host, since Docker runs locally on your machine.
5 - Map your `Docker IP` to the `` domain, by adding the following to the `hosts` file.
4 - Find your Docker IP address:
- **On Windows & MAC:** run `docker-machine ip default`
*(The default IP is*
Don't forget to replace the `` with your Docker IP Address.
- **On Linux:** your IP Address is ``
6 - In the new created `docker` folder in step 2, open the `docker-compose.yml` file to replace the `` with your Docker IP Adress as well.
> For **boot2docker** users: run `boot2docker ip` *(when boot2docker is up)*.
7 - Open your Laravel's `.env` file and set the `DB_HOST` to `` instead of the default ``.
5 - Open your Laravel's `.env` file and set the `DB_HOST` to your `{Docker-IP}` instead of the default ``:
8 - Finally run the containers. **Make sure you are in the `docker` folder** before running this command.
> I am representing the `{Docker-IP}` with `` for the purpos of this documentation.
6 - Finally let's run the containers. **Make sure you are in the `docker` folder** before running this command:
docker-compose up -d
You can run `docker-compose up` (without **-d**) if you don't want to run the containers in the background.
*"Note: Only the first time you run this command, it will take up to 5 minutes (depend on your connection speed) to download the images to your local machine.*
> Debugging: in case you faced a problem with the docker mahcine here, run this command in your current terminal session `eval "$(docker-machine env {vm-name-here})"`.
*"Note: Only the first time you run this command, it will take up to 5 minutes (depend on your connection speed) to download the Docker Images to your local machine.*
> Debugging: in case you faced a problem with the docker mahcine here, run this command in your current terminal session `eval "$(docker-machine env default)"`
9 - Open your browser and visit ``
7 - Open your browser and visit your `{Docker-IP}` address (``).
> Debugging: in case you faced an error here, it might be that you forget to provide some permissions for Laravel, so try running the following command on the Laravel root directory:
`sudo chmod -R 777 storage && sudo chmod -R 777 bootstrap/cache`.
> Debugging: in case you faced an error here, run this command from the Laravel root directory:
`sudo chmod -R 777 storage && sudo chmod -R 777 bootstrap/cache`
[Follow @Mahmoud_Zalt](
<a name="Documentation"></a>
## Documentation
......@@ -180,31 +188,11 @@ docker-compose rm -f
<a name="Change-the-PHP-Version"></a>
#### Change the PHP Version
By default **PHP 5.6** is running.
To change the default PHP version, simply open your `docker-compose.yml` file and edit this line:
image: laradock/php56nginx:latest
Supported versions:
- (PHP 5.5.*) laradock/php55nginx:latest
- (PHP 5.6.*) laradock/php56nginx:latest
**Note:** If you use this `laradock/phpnginx` image, it will pull from `laradock/php56nginx`.
<a name="Use-Redis-in-Laravel"></a>
#### Use Redis in Laravel
1 - Open your Laravel's `.env` file and set the `REDIS_HOST` to `` instead of the default ``.
Open your Laravel's `.env` file and set the `REDIS_HOST` to `` instead of the default ``.
......@@ -238,6 +226,71 @@ composer require predis/predis:^1.0
<a name="Use-custom-Domain"></a>
#### Use custom Domain (instead of the Docker IP)
Assuming your custom domain is `` and your current `Docker-IP` is ``.
1 - Open your `/etc/hosts` file and map your `Docker IP` to the `` domain, by adding the following:
2 - Open your Laravel's `.env` file and replace the `` default values with your `{Docker-IP}`.
3 - Open the nginx config file `docker/settings/nginx/default` and add this in the `server`:
4 - Open your browser and visit `{}`
>In case you faced any problem, try this additional step:
>Open the `docker-compose.yml` and add the following to `php-nginx:`
> extra_hosts:
> - ""
> Don't forget to replace the `` with your Docker IP Address.
<a name="Change-the-PHP-Version"></a>
#### Change the PHP Version
By default **PHP 5.6** is running.
To change the default PHP version, simply open your `docker-compose.yml` file and edit this line:
image: laradock/php56nginx:latest
Supported versions:
- (PHP 5.5.*) laradock/php55nginx:latest
- (PHP 5.6.*) laradock/php56nginx:latest
**Note:** If you use this `laradock/phpnginx` image, it will pull from `laradock/php56nginx`.
<a name="Add-Docker-Images"></a>
......@@ -270,6 +323,7 @@ The Log files are stored in the `docker/logs` directory.
<a name="Upgrade-the-Docker-Images"></a>
#### Upgrade the Docker Images
......@@ -331,3 +385,4 @@ All Docker Images can be found at [](https://github.c
## License
[MIT License (MIT)](
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ php-nginx:
- mysql
- redis
privileged: true
- ""
# MySQL Container #----------------------------------------
......@@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ server {
root /var/www/public;
index index.php index.html index.htm;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args;
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