Commit 4bc6526c authored by Mahmoud Zalt's avatar Mahmoud Zalt

add missing doc about jenkins

parent d4f9b044
......@@ -431,15 +431,35 @@ To learn more about how Docker publishes ports, please read [this excellent post
<a name="Laravel"></a>
<a name="Use-Jenkins"></a>
## Use Jenkins
1) Boot the container `docker-compose exec jenkins bash`
2) Go to `http://localhost:8090/` (if you didn't chanhed your default port mapping)
3) Authenticate:
- Default username is `admin`.
- Default password is `docker-compose exec jenkins cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword`.
(To enter container as root type `docker-compose exec --user root jenkins bash`).
4) Install some plugins.
5) Create your first Admin user, or continue as Admin.
Note: to add user go to `http://localhost:8090/securityRealm/addUser` and to restart it from the web app visit `http://localhost:8090/restart`.
You may wanna change the default security configuration, so go to `http://localhost:8090/configureSecurity/` under Authorization and choosing "Anyone can do anything" or "Project-based Matrix Authorization Strategy" or anything else.
<a name="Laravel"></a>
<a name="Install-Laravel"></a>
## Install Laravel from a Docker Container
......@@ -1074,9 +1094,6 @@ To change the default forwarded port for ssh:
<a name="Change-the-MySQL-Version"></a>
## Change the (MySQL) Version
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