Commit 5e0e1209 authored by Eric Pfeiffer's avatar Eric Pfeiffer

add apache2 container.

parent 33b701af
......@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ docker-compose up -d nginx mysql
You can select your own combination of container form this list:
`nginx`, `hhvm` ,`mysql`, `redis`, `postgres`, `mariadb`, `neo4j`, `mongo`, `memcached`, `beanstalkd`, `beanstalkd-console`, `caddy`, `workspace`, `php-fpm`.
`apache2`, `caddy`, `nginx`, `hhvm`, `php-fpm`, `mysql`, `redis`, `postgres`, `mariadb`, `neo4j`, `mongo`, `memcached`, `beanstalkd`, `beanstalkd-console`, `workspace`.
**Note**: `workspace` and `php-fpm` will run automatically in most of the cases, so no need to specify them in the `up` command.
......@@ -580,15 +580,15 @@ composer require predis/predis:^1.0
<a name="Use-Mongo"></a>
### Use Mongo
1 - First install `mongo` in the Workspace and the PHP-FPM Containers:
1 - First install `mongo` in the Workspace and the PHP-FPM Containers:
a) open the `docker-compose.yml` file
b) search for the `INSTALL_MONGO` argument under the Workspace Container
b) search for the `INSTALL_MONGO` argument under the Workspace Container
c) set it to `true`
d) search for the `INSTALL_MONGO` argument under the PHP-FPM Container
d) search for the `INSTALL_MONGO` argument under the PHP-FPM Container
e) set it to `true`
......@@ -769,15 +769,15 @@ Right now you have to manually edit the `Dockerfile` or create a new one like it
<a name="Install-xDebug"></a>
### Install xDebug
1 - First install `xDebug` in the Workspace and the PHP-FPM Containers:
1 - First install `xDebug` in the Workspace and the PHP-FPM Containers:
a) open the `docker-compose.yml` file
b) search for the `INSTALL_XDEBUG` argument under the Workspace Container
b) search for the `INSTALL_XDEBUG` argument under the Workspace Container
c) set it to `true`
d) search for the `INSTALL_XDEBUG` argument under the PHP-FPM Container
d) search for the `INSTALL_XDEBUG` argument under the PHP-FPM Container
e) set it to `true`
......@@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ It should be like this:
<a name="Install-Prestissimo"></a>
### Install Prestissimo
[Prestissimo]( is a plugin for composer which enables parallel install functionality.
[Prestissimo]( is a plugin for composer which enables parallel install functionality.
1 - Enable Running Global Composer Install during the Build:
......@@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@ This little project was built by one man who has a full time job and many respon
<a name="Help"></a>
## Help & Questions
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Join the chat room on [Gitter]( and get help and support from the community.
You can as well can open an [issue]( on Github (will be labeled as Question) and discuss it with people on [Gitter](
FROM webdevops/apache:ubuntu-16.04
MAINTAINER Eric Pfeiffer <>
ARG PHP_SOCKET="php-fpm:9000"
ENV WEB_DOCUMENT_ROOT=/var/www/laravel/public
EXPOSE 80 443
WORKDIR /var/www/laravel/public
ENTRYPOINT ["/opt/docker/bin/"]
CMD ["supervisord"]
......@@ -51,6 +51,23 @@ services:
- php-fpm
### Apache Server Container ##################################
context: ./apache2
- PHP_SOCKET="php-fpm:9000"
- volumes_source
- ./logs/apache2:/var/log/apache2
- "80:80"
- "443:443"
- php-fpm
### HHVM Container ##########################################
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