Commit 79101cd8 authored by Mahmoud Zalt's avatar Mahmoud Zalt

update contribution guide

parent c1a2f4b2
......@@ -5,15 +5,16 @@ weight: 7
Your contribution is more than welcome.
## I have a Question/Problem
## Have a Question
If you have questions about how to use Laradock, please direct your questions to the discussion on [Gitter]( If you believe your question could help others, then consider opening an [Issue]( (it will be labeled as `Question`) And you can still seek help on Gitter for it.
## I found an Issue
## Found an Issue
If have an issue or you found a typo in the documentation, you can help us by
opnening an [Issue](
opnening an [Issue](
**Steps to do before opening an Issue:**
......@@ -27,14 +28,14 @@ If your issue appears to be a bug, and hasn't been reported, then open a new iss
features, by not reporting duplicate issues.*
## I want a Feature
You can request a new feature by submitting an [Issue]( (it will be labeled as `Feature Suggestion`). If you would like to implement a new feature then consider submitting a Pull Request yourself.
## Want a Feature
You can request a new feature by submitting an [Issue]( (it will be labeled as `Feature Suggestion`). If you would like to implement a new feature then consider submitting a Pull Request yourself.
## I want to update the Documentation (Site)
## Update the Documentation (Site)
Laradock uses [Hugo]( as website generator tool, with the [Material Docs theme]( You might need to check their docs quickly.
......@@ -47,9 +48,8 @@ To update the sidebar or add a new section to it, you can edit this `DOCUMENTATI
> The site will be auto-generated in the `docs/` folder by [Travis CI](
### To Host the website locally
### Host the documentation locally
1. Install [Hugo]( on your machine.
2. Edit the `DOCUMENTATION/content`.
......@@ -59,33 +59,70 @@ To update the sidebar or add a new section to it, you can edit this `DOCUMENTATI
## How to support new Software (Add new Container)
## Support new Software (Add new Container)
* Create folder with the software name.
* Forke the repo and clone the code.
* Add a `Dockerfile`, write your code there.
* Create folder as the software name (example: `mysql` - `nginx`).
* You may add additional files in the software folder.
* Add your `Dockerfile` in the folder "you may add additional files as well".
* Add the software to the `docker-compose.yml` file.
* Make sure you follow our commenting style.
* Make sure you follow the same code/comments style.
* Add the environment variables to the `env-example` if you have any.
* **MOST IMPORTANTLY** updated the `Documentation`, add as much information.
* Add the software in the `Documentation`.
* Submit a Pull Request, to the `master` branch.
## Edit existing Software (Edit a Container)
* Open the software (container) folder.
* Edit the files you want to update.
## Edit supported Software (Edit a Container)
* **Note:** If you want to edit the base image of the `Workspace` or the `php-fpm` Containers,
you need to edit their Docker-files from their GitHub repositories. For more info read their Dockerfiles comment on the Laradock repository.
* Forke the repo and clone the code.
* Open the software (container) folder (example: `mysql` - `nginx`).
* Edit the files.
* Make sure to update the `Documentation` in case you made any changes.
* Submit a Pull Request, to the `master` branch.
## Edit Base Image
* Open any dockerfile, copy the base image name (example: `FROM phusion/baseimage:latest`).
* Search for the image in the [Docker Hub]( and find the source..
*Most of the image in Laradock are offical images, these projects live in other repositories and maintainer by other orgnizations.*
**Note:** Laradock has two base images for (`Workspace` and `php-fpm`, mainly made to speed up the build time on your machine.
* Find the dockerfiles, edit them and submit a Pull Request.
* When updating a Laradock base image (`Workspace` or `php-fpm`), ask a project maintainer "Admin" to build a new image after your PR is merged.
**Note:** after the base image is updated, every dockerfile that uses that image, needs to update his base image tag to get the updated code.
## Pull Request
## Submit Pull Request Instructions
### 1. Before Submitting a Pull Request (PR)
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> Use Docker first and learn about it later.
A Docker PHP development environment that facilitates running **PHP** Apps on **Docker**.
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ A Docker PHP development environment that facilitates running **PHP** Apps on **
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## License
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