Commit 8af22b5b authored by Arian Acosta's avatar Arian Acosta

finalizing changes

parent 7029118f
nginx mysql
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......@@ -3,15 +3,19 @@
# This shell script is an optional tool to simplify
# the installation and usage of laradock with docker-sync.
# Make sure that the DOCKER_SYNC_STRATEGY is set in the .env
# DOCKER_SYNC_STRATEGY=native_osx # osx
# DOCKER_SYNC_STRATEGY=unison # windows
# To run, make sure to add permissions to this file:
# chmod 755
# Usage:
# Install docker-sync: ./ install
# Start sync and services with nginx and mysql: ./ up nginx mysql
# Stop containers and sync: ./ down
# Open bash inside the workspace: ./ bash
# Force sync: ./ sync trigger
# Force sync: ./ sync
# Clean synced files: ./ clean
# prints colored text
......@@ -41,8 +45,8 @@ display_options () {
print_style " up [services]" "success"; printf "\t Starts docker-sync and runs docker compose.\n"
print_style " down" "success"; printf "\t\t\t Stops containers and docker-sync.\n"
print_style " bash" "success"; printf "\t\t\t Opens bash on the workspace.\n"
print_style " trigger" "success"; printf "\t\t Manually triggers the synchronization of files.\n"
print_style " clean" "warning"; printf "\t\t Removes all files from docker-sync.\n"
print_style " sync" "success"; printf "\t\t Manually triggers the synchronization of files.\n"
print_style " clean" "danger"; printf "\t\t Removes all files from docker-sync.\n"
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] ; then
......@@ -52,16 +56,13 @@ if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] ; then
if [ "$1" == "up" ] ; then
echo "$value"
print_style "Initializing Docker Sync\n" "info"
print_style "May take a long time (15min+) the first run\n" "info"
docker-sync start;
print_style "Initializing Docker Compose\n" "info"
shift # removing first argument
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.sync.yml up -d $value
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.sync.yml up -d ${@}
elif [ "$1" == "down" ]; then
print_style "Stopping Docker Compose\n" "info"
......@@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ elif [ "$1" == "install" ]; then
print_style "Installing docker-sync\n" "info"
gem install docker-sync
elif [ "$1" == "trigger" ]; then
elif [ "$1" == "sync" ]; then
print_style "Manually triggering sync between host and docker-sync container.\n" "info"
docker-sync sync;
......@@ -88,4 +89,4 @@ else
print_style "Invalid arguments.\n" "danger"
exit 1
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